SCTA is a non-partisan membership organization and has a proud history of working for the Taxpayers interests. SCTA does not endorse political candidates or make political campaign contributions.
SCTA members attend Board of Supervisors and local government meetings; represent the Taxpayers on Citizens Bond Oversight Committees; engaging in public participation and the people’s right to know.
In 2014 SCTA and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) jointly filed a lawsuit in Sacramento Superior Court asserting that the state did not consider economic feasibility in adopting a drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium. In 2017 the Superior Court of Sacramento County agreed with us, the proponents of the lawsuit, and found that the State had not conducted an economic feasibility analysis of the drinking water standard as is required by law and ordered that the standard be withdrawn, and a new standard be established. This court decision saved millions of dollars to citizens throughout the State of California. To date the State has tried many times to lower the standards for hexavalent chromium but the SCTA’s and other organizations watchful eye and protest letters have stopped them.
In March 2008, members testified before the Little Hoover Commission regarding the report Clearer Structure, Cleaner Water: Improving Performance and Outcomes at the State Water Board.
In 2007, SCTA members testified before the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Board to help improve the Board’s understanding and knowledge of the City of Dixon’s efforts to protect water quality.
Richard Brann, Rio Vista; H.A McDougal, Benicia; John Stewart, Vallejo; E.H Uhl, Vacaville; Chester M. Monez, Green Valley; Vernon Schmeister, Dixon ; Julian F. Morrison, Suisun; Lee D. Bell, Fairfield; Albert S. Porter, Vacaville; John L. Sievers, Dixon ; Ralph Mason, Suisun; Leo J. Smith, Vallejo; Quentin W. Babcock, Benicia; Arthur Garben, Green Valley; Michael Fitzerald, Benicia.
2022-2024 Michael Nolan; 2019-2021 Covid, no meetings; 2016-2018 George Guynn Jr.; 2014-2015 Ourania Riddle; 2013 Stephen Powers; 2010-2012 Earl Heal; 2003-2009 James Williams; 2000-2002 David Scholl; 1998-1999 Ken Courville; 1997 Ourania Riddle; 1997 Robert Pattilo; 1996-1997 Dan Sharp; 1994 D. Carl Brentlinger; 1994-1995 Olga Chanda; 1993 Barbara MacArthur; 1991-1992 David Scholl; 1990 Pete Navarra; 1989 Frank Braun; 1987-1988 Wilma Dainard; 1986 Affa M. Hawkes; 1985 James Chadbourne; 1984 Jack Paden; 1982-1983 Joy Pettygrove; 1981 Charles G Dennis; 1980-1981 Lawrence Brooke; 1978-1979 Ralph Tichenor; 1978 H Estervig; 1976-1977 Earl von Kaenel; 1975 Edward J. Clemente; 1974 Richard M. Emigh; 1973 Lewis G Neil; 1972 E. Paul Rogers; 1971 Elwin I. Pierce; 1970 Paul Hussey; 1969 Paul Schmidt; 1968 Joseph W. Raftery; 1967 Robert H. Power; 1965-1966 R.P Farnsworth; 1964 John K. Evers; 1963 Stanley Harris; 1960-1962 Ed H Uhl.